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«Mastering challenges with a clear mind. Connecting to people with a warm heart.»


clear mind - warm heart

my approach - let's get in touch



Psychological coaching for Humans in Transition  Passionate about working with people and inspired by the potential for transformation that lies in us, I will accompany you on your journey of self-discovery, personal development and change.

I'm a Psychologist FSP in Psychosynthesis Psychology and a Leadership Coach. Currently, I'm in training as Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher by Tara Brach & Jack Kornfield. 

Besides psychological coaching for individuals, my offer includes Human Resources Consulting for KMU, in particular around leadership, personal development, communication and challenging interpersonal situations.

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Coaching for Humans in

Private Life

  • Do you find yourself stuck or driven by daily commitments and not in control of your life?

  • Are you ready for a change but don’t really know how to make that happen, or are you driven by dynamics which may be holding you back?

  • Would you like to find confidence in your own capacities to make change happen? 

Coaching facilitates a process of self-discovery and self-reflection about who you are and what obstacles and limiting dynamics may be holding you back from getting in touch with your potential.

Learn more about how I will support you by working together to re-connect with your true nature, talents and goals. How to find confidence and move forward into action and a more self-directed life, realising your own potential.

Business Life

  • Are you ready for a change in career?

  • Would you like become more confident in your role and work environment?

  • Are you a leader and would you like to develop your leadership skills by working with an experienced sparring-partner?

  • Are you facing interpersonal challenges such as conflicts, difficult conversations or an employee termination for which you need support?

By working together, we will focus on what your situation demands of you.

Learn more how you can find clarity about the steps and actions required. How you will find confidence in your own capacities to move forward and make change happen

Contact & Location

Book your free initial consultation now

I look forward to getting to know you. Book your free initial conversation which is an opportunity for us to meet, to discuss what you would like to achieve and how we would be working together.

We will also discuss and agree the Terms & Conditions in this initial session.

Location & Coaching formats

Praxis West, Haslerstrasse 2, 8003 Zürich

​& area Baden, AG

Formats: physical, online, hybrid and outdoor

+41 78 699 3340        

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Thank you for your message. I will be in touch soon.



With great care and compassion, Sandra guided me on this journey of self-exploration to identify my obstacles and limitations. She helped me to strengthen my inner will, to discover and unfold my potential, which I had left dormant and ignored in the unknown until then. Thanks for your work, that's definitely a milestone for me.

Anne-Line, Aix-en-Provence

Als HR-Verantwortliche für unseren Bereich haben wir Sandra als die ideale Sparring-Partnerin kennen gelernt. Mit ihrer natürlichen emphatischen Art und fachlichen Kompetenz hat sie uns in unterschiedlichsten personellen Situationen und Fragestellungen beraten und unterstützt. Sie ist klar in der Sache, sehr strukturiert in der Analyse und entwickelt gemeinsam mit dem Business die passende Vorgehensweise. Wir haben den Austausch mit ihr als sehr wertvoll und bereichernd empfunden.

Christian, Partner, LGT ILS Partners Ltd

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